
Art by Dannika Tukua
Bright, quirky and Original.
Welcome to my collection of little treasures.
Kia Ora and Welcome
about me.
I was born and raised in the Waikato, and have worked in the outdoors throughout New Zealand, and Australia, for most of my adult life.
I am now a mum, and a wife xo
My art is inspired by my childhood memories, my love for the New Zealand environment, and the truly unique creatures that dwell within it. My hope is that through inspiring affection for Aotearoa’s beautiful species, it will encourage the desire to protect them.
I am a proud Kiwi, and this is reflected in my art! Its quirky, and original.
I hope to make you chuckle, reminisce, and celebrate our wonderful culture, because after all…” Kia mau ki te tokanga nui noho”
There is no place like home.